OxyQuant Collaborators

people involved in OxyQuant

OxyQuant relies on the collaboration of an international team of scientists, including the following:

Prof. Samuel Jaccard
Prof. Samuel Jaccard is head of the research group of Biogeochemical Oceanography Across Time at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He is an expert in the cycling of nutrients and oxygen in marine environments and their relation to climate today and in the past, which he investigates with various sedimentological and geochemical approaches. He is supervisor for OxyQuant and host during the outgoing phase in the first two project years.
Prof. Martin Frank
Prof. Martin Frank is head of the research group of Chemical Paleoceanography at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. He is an expert in the reconstruction of paleoceanographic environments with the help of trace metals and radiogenic and cosmogenic isotopes. He is also supervisor for OxyQuant and will be host during the return phase in the third project year.
Prof. Florian Scholz
Prof. Florian Scholz is head of the research group for biogeochemistry at the Universität Hamburg, Germany. His research focuses on water-sediment interactions in marine depositional environments and their role in global biogeochemical cycles.
Dr. Tim Sweere
Dr. Tim Sweere is lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences of ETH Zürich. He investigates the cycling of different trace metals in the marine environment and their use as tracers in marine sediments.